Sunday, May 8, 2016

I am spending Mother's Day quite differently this year.

For the first time, I now have my own family to celebrate it with. But sadly, for the first time too, I no longer have a mom to kiss and greet a "Happy Mother's Day" early in the morning.

It would have been ideal, especially for a new mom like me, to celebrate this day with Mama. The bonding would have been different this time (stronger than ever) and the connection would have been more intense and more special, as I now have a profound understanding of motherhood—how it really feels like to be a mom and a superwoman at that.

It would have been ideal to treat Mama with all the things that would make her happy. For all the sacrifices and pain she endured throughout the years (as a SUPERMOM), she deserved LOVE and HAPPINESS today and EVERYDAY! But such is life. Such is death.

I only have her memories to cherish now. I only have her ways as a mother to replicate. I will love my daughter the same way she loved us—sincere, unselfish, unconditional. And probably, that is how I will spend this day with my family: To make them feel the kind of care and love our Mama showered us with. Simply put, she was the best mom! She was the star of our lives. We were her universe.

So to my family and friends who still have their mothers, you are lucky! Seriously. So treat your mom well. Love her dearly. Don't take her for granted. Forgive her, because her imperfections as a human being are nothing compared to her sacrifices as a mother. Her work is 24/7, just to give you life. So give her your time too (even just a fraction of it, she wouldn’t mind). Kiss her. Hug her. Talk to her. LOVE HER.

To all the moms out there: Happy Mother’s Day! We deserve a drink (Red Bull, perhaps?).

AND TO MY MAMA: I hope Wi-Fi can connect to heaven too. I miss you. Everything about you. Happy Mother's Day, Ma! I love you always and forever. I love you here and in the afterlife. I LOVE YOU, MA! I hope I’m doing a good job as a new mom. We'll take care of Papa. And I hope we are making you proud. I LOVE YOU, MA!

P.S. Can I borrow your bag? (I'm sure I'd get a "hehe" from you). *wink* I LOVE YOU!

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